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On 7 March 2024, the Audit Bench presented its Strategic and Operational Plan for 2024-2028 to its technical and financial partners during a roundtable meeting at the Suita Hotel in Yaoundé. The Plan focuses on four main areas: (1) improving the quality of the Audit Bench's work, (2) ensuring good governance, (3) preventing and combating corruption, and (4) promoting relations with sister SAIs, development partners, international organisations and other audit institutions. The Plan contains 23 actions with a total of 85 activities.


During the roundtable discussion, the technical and financial partners proposed prioritising activities and creating an advocacy document for donors to accompany the Strategic and Operational Plan. They also recommended incorporating a budget and execution plan in the document, defining performance indicators, and identifying partners for each activity.


GIZ, the German Cooperation Agency, supported the roundtable.