Jan 17, 2024
to increase in attributions
, competences
and others missions,
and above all the expectations from Institutions and the public, the Audit Bench must take some challenges and draw
perspectives in the short and medium term.
Regarding of the challenges, the Audit Bench must :
· have a headquarters building that meets international
standards for financial jurisdictions;
· master the techniques and insights of State Accounts Certification
through the control of general accounting, budget
control, performance
control and a better ownership of analytical accounting, forecasting control
based on the pool of balance;
· strenghten its operational capabilities to carry out all its
missions .
The perspectives of the Audit Bench pertain to :
· the revision of law no. 2003/005 of April 21 , 2003 aiming at
alignment with the provisions of article 72 of Guideline No. 01/11-UEAC-190-CM-22 on finance laws and at granting it the
status of Supreme Audit Institution;
· making public the reports transmitted to the Parliament and the
· publishing specific decisions
in the Official Gazette and in two major newspapers of wide circulation;
· organising the monitoring of its
recommendations and the publication of related results;
· setting up the Regional
Accounts Courts.