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Summary The 2024 Top Congress was held from 2 to 4 July at the Hilton Hotel in Yaoundé. This significant international meeting brought together representatives from fifteen Audit Courts. Participating countries included Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Djibouti, Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Romania, Senegal, and Chad, as well as representatives from CEMAC and UEMOA. Key highlights: 1. Round table on SDG 16 This session, moderated by Mr. Théodore Mbenoun, focused on peace, justice, and strong institutions. Professor Viviane Ondoua Biwole provided an introduction covering governance aspects. Ms Linda Kueta Kenne from the World Bank discussed the Bank's role in strengthening governance in Cameroon through the PForR financing instrument. 2. Workshops The workshops addressed three main topics: Workshop 1: Operationalisation of SDGs addressed audit methodologies for the Sustainable Development Goals. Workshop 2: Evaluation of Public Policies and Evaluative Surveys of the SDGs emphasised the technical and behavioural skills required for effective evaluation. Workshop 3: Impact of the work of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) focused on social media management and LinkedIn account management. The president of the Audit Bench chaired these workshops, which took place at the Village Noah complex. 3. Cultural Trip Participants enjoyed a cultural trip to Yaoundé, where they visited sites like the National Museum of Cameroon, the Reunification Monument, and the Mefou Wildlife Park. This trip offered excellent networking opportunities and an immersion in Cameroonian culture. The Congress facilitated the exchange of best governance practices, enhanced participants' skills through workshops, and fostered enriching discussions, thereby contributing to the overall improvement of governance practices among the participating nations.